Regulatory and Tax Status

Regulatory Retail Status and Personal Tax Status of RGL Shares
as at 1st January 2017

'Non-Mainstream Pooled Investment' (“NMPI”)

RGL is not a 'non-mainstream pooled investment' – there is a specific exemption for REITs. Non- NMPI shares are able to be promoted to retail clients.


Ordinary Shares acquired by a UK resident individual in the secondary market (but not the original Placing) should be eligible to be held in an Individual Savings Account (“ISA”), subject to applicable annual subscription limits. Investments held in ISAs will be free of both UK income tax and capital gains tax. Individuals wishing to invest in shares through an ISA should contact their professional advisers regarding their eligibility.

Subject to the rules of the trustees of the relevant scheme, the Ordinary Shares should generally be eligible for inclusion in a small self-administered scheme (“SSAS”) or self-invested personal pension (“SIPP”) provided: (a) no member of the SSAS or SIPP (or person connected with such a member) occupies or uses any residential property held by the Group; and (b) the SSAS or SIPP, alone or together with one or more associated persons, does not directly or indirectly hold 10 per cent. or more of any of the Ordinary Shares, voting rights in the Company, rights to income of the Company, rights to amounts on a distribution of the Company or rights to assets on a winding up of the Company.